Guaranteed Qualified Workforce
Roofcare are dedicated to employee training, with the correct training and qualifications we can guarantee a high standard of quality workmanship every time. Below are some examples of our standard examinations and qualifications which our workforce are required to complete.

CSCS – Skilled Workforce
All our technicians carry a valid CSCS Skilled workforce digital card, the card is legal prove of which types of works each technician has been trained, assessed and qualified to complete. All Qualified Roof technicians should have a Skilled Workforce Card, Does your Roofer have one?

Diploma Qualifications
Our Site Foremen, Site Supervisors, Quality Control Inspectors and Managers are required to have a minimum of 15 years Roofing experience, after which they are required to complete 6 months of revision before being assessed, examined and qualified to a diploma certification in their field of expertise.

NVQ – Qualifications
All our technicians are NVQ qualified in their field of expertise, many of which originally started as apprentices and have since under gone three years of training at our roof training program before being assessed, examined and qualified to NVQ standards.

CSCS – Health & Safety Qualifications
All our field operatives have undergone outside industry examinations to meet industry standards with regarding to safe working at height by Construction Skills and Cskills Awards, this ensuring our technicians understand and are qualified to work at height.

Safe Working At Height Awareness
An average of 35 fatalities and 4500 major injuries are reported annually by the Health And Safety Executive due to falls from heights within the construction industry, all our operatives attend an intense seminar and examination helping them to understand and help reduce the risks with working at heights.

Asbestos Awareness Qualifications
A percentage of traditional roof coverings contain Asbestos, it is imperative that our technicians can identify any hazardous materials such as Asbestos, our field operatives have under gone training to ensure the correct procedures and measures are carried out on the exposure of asbestos.

Lead Bossing & Welding Qualifications
Our Lead Working field technicians have completed several years of in house lead bossing and welding at our training centre including the manufacturing of various lead products such as leaded hoppers and sumps before completing a Cskills Lead Welding And Bossing training and examination program.

PASMA Qualifications
All our operatives whom work with our range of platform and staging scaffold have under gone thorough training, assessment and examinations for the safe erection and use of platform scaffold, our qualified technicians carry a valid digital Pasma qualification card for evidence of compliance.

IPAF Qualifications
Our access machine technicians have completed both in-house training and assessment and external assessment and examination proving there ability for the safe use of our impressive fleet of access machines and cherry pickers, all our qualified technicians complete regular update training and carry a valid digital Ipaf qualification card for prove of qualification.

Approved Product Training
The majority of waterproof products require product training from the manufactures, without training these products are not covered by a manufactures warranty and are likely to fail prematurely, therefore it is imperative that the technicians using the products have received the correct product training to ensure our client receive the correct specifications required.